If you find that you have a credit card slip but its not showing on Optomany it may be stuck on the terminal and has not been uploaded, this can be confirmed by looking at the PDQ machine to see if there is a stack of coins icon - Please see the advise below from Optomany
This has happened a few times now so can you please add it to your daily checklist for reception to check the terminal for this icon as part of morning duties

Blue Menu Button
'5' for Menu
'3' for Upload Stored Data

The terminal will upload any transactions it has in it's memory, and the stack of coins icon currently visible between the time &  the battery icon in the top of the screen will disappear.

If you need assistance with any of this, it might be best to give us a call so we can go through it over the phone.

Please note, the uploading of the transaction determines which settlement file it is included in. Essentially, assuming we have the transaction uploaded today it will appear in today's settlement file, meaning it will be paid back to you by Elavon as if it was taken today. This will create a minor issue with reconciliation. I would recommend completing the above steps as part of the end of day routine for the terminal to avoid this in future.

Phone number to call for further support - 020 8102 8102