This is how you REQUEST a holiday. Remember you have to have Management Authorisation, which will come to your Fourth App, to confirm if it has been accepted.

Using My Holidays via Employee Self Service

The ‘My Holidays’ tab is available to view Holiday information to all users of Employee Self Service.







Fig.2 – My Holidays Tab

To request a new Holiday, select the + icon in the top right-hand corner of the My Holidays tab




Fig.3 – Requesting a New Holiday

Flexible Employment Status Holidays

If an employee is on flexible employment status, the Average Days and Hours Worked will display from across the last 12 to 26 weeks, depending on the company’s Global Settings, and the day rate as of the previous day.

















Fig.4 – Flexible Employment Status Holiday Details

Upcoming Holidays and Past Holidays are displayed below the allowance. It is advised that these are reviewed regularly by the employee to ensure that they are correct.












Fig.6 – Upcoming and Past Holidays 

Booking a Holiday

  • To book a Holiday, select the + icon










The ‘New Request’ page will then display.

  • Select the required date range for the Holiday and then Apply





















  • The next page displays the requested day total, and to book selected dates as Unpaid or Half Day, tick the required boxes
  • Once confirmed, select Submit
